The fast pace of commercial cleaning makes it necessary for cleaners to be able to concentrate on the essentials: Cleaning! Many employees with a migration background work in cleaning, which sometimes makes legible and reasonable documentation very difficult, both for the customer and for the service provider itself. With the digital cleaning and hygiene certificate from cleanli, documentation is automated and therefore does not require any work.
You know the problem:
- As the person responsible for cleaning, you must demonstrate that the services have been provided safely
- Users of the properties sometimes complain about insufficiently cleaned rooms, corridors or staircases
- The cleaning service provider insists on having cleaned as agreed
- Your presence on site is required to verify the facts and take action
You lose a lot of time and therefore money, it costs nerves and the cause of the problem is not solved. As a remedy, asking cleaners to document their cleaning afterwards with or without an app works in a maximum of 85% of all cases (source: own study 2020) and also costs time that the customer does not want to pay for.
Documentation, such as HACCP lists or other hygiene records, are automatically captured digitally. There is no longer any need to file, archive or keep paper records. The records can be retrieved up to the minute via an app, tablet or computer on the Internet.
An A5-sized display is available for documenting cleaning to users and can be placed in any room that needs cleaning.
The system is battery-powered and only requires recharging of the batteries or replacement of the batteries in the sensors every two years or so.
The cleaner himself does not have to do anything. All the information they need is collected automatically via an Android cell phone with a WLAN/ or Internet connection or a small device for their pocket.

Data privacy is built in
Each cleaning cell phone stores only cleaning data. The data can only be assigned to individual cleaners via duty rosters and a fixed assignment of each cleaner to a cell phone, which cannot be recorded in the system.
Function and reporting
The system works with matchbox-sized beacons. These electronic devices transmit an identifier comparable to a credit card number via Bluetooth at intervals of around one second. The signal can be easily received within a certain radius. The cell phone in the cleaner’s pocket registers the proximity to the beacon and stores this.
As soon as the cell phone connects to the Internet or a WLAN, the data is transmitted to the portal for evaluation.

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